
美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Stephen R. Meyers博士学术报告会通知
发布:科技处 2024-07-18 阅读:103

应永利官网海洋学院吴怀春教授的邀请,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的Stephen R. Meyers博士将来永利官网进行学术交流,并做学术报告。


题目:Astrochronology: Using Earth's Astronomical Motions as a Geological Timekeeper and 

          Planetary Decoder

时间: 2024年 7月 24日 下午 3:30 - 5:30

地点: 逸夫楼 616


Stephen R. Meyers博士简介: Stephen R. Meyers是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校地球科学系的维拉斯杰出教授,他开发了新的软件 ‘Astrochron’,该软件可用于分析古气候演化、测试天文年代学、建立时间标尺、评估地球系统对天文驱动-日照变化的响应等。Stephen R. Meyers在Nature,NG, EPSL等期刊中发表科研论文64篇,Google Scholar引用量达4649 次,h-index为35。同时,他是‘IsoAstro Geochronology Workshops’的创立者,也是 ‘CycloCohort Program’和‘Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology’的联合负责人。


报告摘要: The long history of our planet provides a rich tapestry of boundary conditions and past 'experiments', which can be used to understand how the Earth System works and can inform decisions about our future. But how do we decode that history from a complex geological record? In this seminar, I will discuss how quasiperiodic variations in Earth's orbit and rotational axis ('astronomical cycles’) can be used as a central framework to measure geologic time, recon- struct the behavior of the ancient Earth System, and test hypotheses about the behavior of the Solar System, over the past several billion years. Examples range from reconstructing early Earth-Moon history, to understanding the past and future of our planet's polar ice sheets. The power of this astronomical framework is enhanced by the recognition of astronomy, geochronolo- gy, paleoclimatology and depositional reconstruction as a unified geoscientific inverse problem.







